Joe Martin is a playwright, stage director, fiction writer, and author of ten books including essays (also under the pen name Yousef Daoud). He teaches meditation and spiritual performance techniques. A recipient of two Rockefeller Foundation grants and three grants from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, he has travelled extensively in India, Turkey, and the Maghreb. In 2001, he held a Senior Fulbright Scholarship in Eastern Europe, and is currently rostered as a Senior Fulbright Specialist. He has several times directed his stage version of Rumi’s MATHNAVI a (published by Asylum Arts) as a theatre-for-peace project. He is currently a resident fellow at the Center for Global Peace at American Uinversity in Washington DC, where he has taught Peace Studies and the Arts. He has been a core teacher at the El Haddawi Winter School near Munich. Currently, he is a senior lecturer at Johns Hopkins University in Theatre Arts and Studies. His latest book is, "The Rose and the Lotus: Sufism and Buddhism" (